After facilitating many Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team workshops for Padraig clients, I realized something about...

After facilitating many Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team workshops for Padraig clients, I realized something about...
Usually at the end of the calendar year, we reflect on our successes and challenges and then set goals for the New...
Most of us around the world are staying home right now, trying to minimize the coronavirus pandemic. Some of us are...
With the world’s leading health officials and most world leaders calling on everyone to “self isolate” or “social...
There are times a visual cue can help you stay motivated. Think of a thermometer graphic to show how much money...
The beginning of a new year always feels like a fresh start, often with a focus on New Year’s resolutions and...
A lot of us reassess our goals and priorities in the fall after maybe losing a bit of our focus with all the freedom...
We’ve all been there: You get to work, ready to tackle that high priority task with the best of intentions to finish...
If you want your team to be successful, the best thing you can do is set aside time to work on some team...
A New Year really feels like a fresh start, even if it’s really just the beginning of a calendar year. Let’s take some...
If you really want to accomplish things in 2018, forget the resolutions about things you don’t really want to do and...