In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business environment, organizations that cultivate a coaching culture find...

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business environment, organizations that cultivate a coaching culture find...
Have you ever tried to share some constructive ideas with a colleague, only to have it backfire and leave them...
Is your organization ready to use a coaching style of leadership? Are your leaders ready to add skills to their...
Handling employee needs, growth and disputes can consume a lot of time for Managers and for the HR professionals who...
At Padraig, not only do we coach leaders in organizations throughout North America, but we also help leaders bring a...
At some point, most leaders encounter someone who seems to want to undermine them. Whether you’re leading an...
In our last blog, we talked about how leaders can significantly expand their leadership toolkits by learning to use a...
Whether you still have the dreaded annual performance review or you’ve moved to ongoing performance management...
It felt surreal when the world shut down in March, but it feels equally strange to be reopening and returning to work...
Using a coach approach with your team members can help them with communication, innovation, self-reliance, confidence,...
Strong relationships are built on trust, respect and mutual support. The world’s best teams (whether in the arena or...
We often hear people talk about leadership styles, or perhaps read articles about which is the most effective approach...