Assessment Tools
Fundraising Success (DiSC for Fundraising)

Communicate Better With Donors and Prospects
As a fundraising professional, you understand that anticipating the needs of donors is critical for effective donor management. To ensure long-term success, it is essential to have a Donor Manager, service staff member, or fundraiser who can anticipate their needs and adapt their communication style accordingly. By doing so, you can establish a strong rapport with the donor and increase the likelihood of continued support.
Our DiSC for Fundraising workshop is designed to help even the most experienced fundraising professionals gain a deeper understanding of how profile types impact a donor’s communication style and approach to decisions regarding contributions.
The Workshop Overview
DiSC for Fundraising provides a comprehensive understanding of the DiSC model, tailored for you as a Donor Manager, fundraiser, or frontline service staff member. In this workshop, we help you identify the DiSC profile types in yourself, and in the behaviours of your donors and prospective donors.
In the workshop, you will learn how to utilize knowledge about DiSC profile types and adapt your communication style to better align with each individual donor or prospective donor. This will lead to more effective and productive relationships, ultimately resulting in increased contributions for your organization.
This workshop includes:
- Online pre-work
- Your customized assessment with personalized tips.
- Engaging facilitation with helpful video
The workshop is designed to provide “ah-ha” moments for both experienced and new Donor Managers, revealing new perspectives on yourself and your donors.
Even if you are a seasoned Donor Manager, by using the knowledge gained in DiSC for Fundraising, you can further enhance your ability to communicate effectively with donors and prospects by aligning your communication style with that of the individual you are working with.
What you will Learn
By the end of the workshop, you will have the capacity to:
- Explore how your behavior styles, influence your relationships with donors and prospects, and examine the priorities that drive their donation and/or contribution conversations.
- Identify and understand the styles of donors, including their preferences and challenges.
- Devise strategies and plans to foster more effective donor relationships.
The Workshop Modules
Module 1
Understanding Your DiSC Sales Style
- After an introduction to the DiSC Fundraising Map, you will learn about your DiSC Fundraising style and how personal priorities influence your behaviors.
- Using what you’ve learned about fundraising priorities, you will engage in an interviewing activity.
Module 2
Recognizing and Understanding Donor Contribution Styles
- You will learn about donor mapping, a new way of people-reading, and practice your donor-mapping skills in a comprehensive video-based activity.
- You’ll learn about different donor priorities, then use your new skills to identify the contribution styles of current donors.
Module 3
Adapting Your Fundraising Management Style to Your Donor’s Contribution Style
- Engage with your DiSC Fundraising Maps to understand how to navigate from your own style to those of different types of donors.
- You’ll practice through role play, adapting to your most challenging donor and complete an interaction plan for working with that donor.
Before and After the Workshop
Setting Up Success before the Workshop
Prior to the course, you will complete an online leadership assessment called the DiSC for Fundraising profile. This generates a customized, incredibly insightful and useful profile for you. We will use this assessment throughout the course to help you understand your DiSC Style, recognize and understand your donor’s contribution styles, and how to effectively adapt your style to the donor’s contribution style.
DiSC for Fundraising is based on Everything DiSC Sales and uses a version of the Everything DiSC Sales profile.
Applying the Learning after the Workshop
This workshop includes online follow-up to create a personalized learning experience.
The Personalized Team Profile
Adding a deeply customized aspect to this program, each member of your team can complete the DiSC Fundraising assessment ahead of the workshop, and then we provide them the customized profile that results. We use the profile throughout the workshop, allowing team members to make very personal connections to the content.
Earn Credentials
All Padraig leadership courses lead to digital badges. Completing collections of specific courses lead to Digital Certificates.

Ready to talk?
We offer this workshop privately for your organization either on location or virtually. To learn more (with no obligation) or to schedule the program, please reach out to us.
Telephone Toll Free: (855) 818-0600 ext 101
E-mail: coach@padraig.ca
Ready to register?
Many Padraig leadership courses are offered for public registration – meaning you can register one or more of your staff for the course, without arranging a private session in-house.