One of the biggest challenges for middle management is balancing strategic direction with managing operational and...

One of the biggest challenges for middle management is balancing strategic direction with managing operational and...
By focusing on your leadership and your people, you help ensure the health of your organization. The same...
Successful organizations in today’s ever-changing world need to have diversity in leadership. Part one of this...
There’s a lot of talk about creating inclusive workplaces but researchers indicate that the reality in most...
The topic of identifying implicit bias is the first of our three-part blog series focusing on women in leadership,...
Recently, I’ve had several coaching clients and other people I know share that they’re in a state of overwhelm, thanks...
Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. So, why does conflict derail some organizations while others succeed? It’s...
Trust is the secret to strong teams, relationships and leadership. If that breaks down, finding how to...
We’ve talked about making effective decisions, but there are times when what could arguably be effective may not be...
We’ve reached a milestone at Padraig: This is our 250th blog post! As milestones go, hitting 250 seems to be a pretty...
Many folks dread hearing, “I’d like to give you some feedback” from anyone–whether that’s a boss, a peer or a team...
Organizations that want to be successful should invest in creating a coaching culture. According to newly...